Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 24

Song: You’re the Best by Joe Espisito (featured in the Karate Kid)
This song actually helped get me out of a funk today. I’m not certain if it is a lack of sleep or the weather, but I was a tad bit grumpy today- even after a nap.
Movie: The Karate Kid
Daniel son had to do a lot of daily tasks to prepare him to be a karate champion. Wax the car, paint the fence—while these all seemed like meaningless chores to him, they trained him to take down Johnny with the crane. Yes, I am a big fan of cheesy 80’s movies and songs. And yes, I am actually comparing this to my life. While I do not belong to a dojo nor have a sensei, I do get to do things daily that I know are preparing me for what’s to come. You may have situations in which someone is trying to “sweep the leg” and “put you in a body bag” but I know my mad skills partnered with God's timing will earn me that huge ugly karate trophy.

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