Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Game Day

Song: Back in the Saddle Again & Get Your Head In The Game from High School Musical
I went to a basketball game today with a guy I met recently. This was our first venture out- which some may have called a date. We met at the ticket booth. He told me I would find him wearing a black suit and red tie. My immediate response was “seriously?!” by text. Any yes, he was seriously wearing a suit and tie to a basketball game. I followed up with the ever clever saving statement. “I’m sarcastic a lot so I thought when you said you were wearing a suit and tie that was the equivalent to you were wearing a sombrero. And you are clearly not wearing a sombrero.” My crazy antics went on as I continued to entertain myself with random thoughts, statements and laughter. This whippersnapper clearly did not get me nor my humor. I went in with zero expectations. I’m proud of myself that I got back out there. I’m saddened by the first prospect out the gate. Dear Lord make me a bird so I can fly far, far away.

Movie: Teen Wolf
This was the first basketball movie that came to mind. I have no recollection of it other than Michael J Fox exposed his true Teen Wolf identity at a basketball game.

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