Song: I Don’t Want No Scrub by TLC
At some point in our lives, we, as women, have settled. Perhaps it was on a trivial item like a pair of shoes- something you can live with. Perhaps it was a necessary job- something you have to live with. Perhaps it was with a relationship- something that we shouldn't ever do. I’ve recently been on a dating site- something that I would have never done a few years ago. I thought that everyone on these sites were desperate predators out to prey on a pure, gentile, little trusting southern girl, like myself. I’m sure there are freaks on this site. But for the most part, it’s your everyday person who for some reason or another has not met a potential person to date. Like a 5 months late-on-rent unemployed individual, you cannot seek a relationship. Bad things can come from desperation when your interests are focused on finding the right person to fulfill you. I’ve realized that because of our innate desire to be loved and accepted, some can have a tendency to look for a date with the same approach of looking for a job. Here is the difference. I am not interested in impressing just any guy. Nor do I care if every person likes me. While it is encouraging to have reciprocation of attraction, I refuse to settle. Shortly after my breakup a couple months ago I made this list that I have posted at my desk. It’s a quick refresher of who I am and what I refuse to bend on.
Things I will not sway on no matter what:
1. My pursuit of God
2. My dreams
3. Time with friends and family
4. Working out
5. How I like my eggsMovie: Runaway Bride
Let me further explain number 5. How I like my eggs. In Runaway Bride, Julia Roberts plays a woman who continually conforms to fit the mold of who she thinks her fiancé wants her to be. Only when pointed out by a reporter, who had been compiling the facts of why she has run away from the altar numerous time, does it become clear to her that he doesn’t even know how she like her eggs. I have asked myself this question quite a few times. There are so many varieties of how to make eggs and I can’t seem to make up my mind. But I have come to term that it’s more the symbolism versus the actual dish.
Great list!