Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sandpaper, Sweat & Tears

Here is my listing of songs I compiled while sanding today:
Enter Sandman by Metallica
Mister Sandman
I know there have to be more. Feel free to add to my list...

I wanted to refinish my coffee table and night stand with a darker stain. I thought this seemed simple enough. I anticipated having it sanded and painted within a few hours. A few hours later, I was no where to being finished and I realized that sanding takes a lot of work. A friend allowed me to borrow his sander. He even schooled me on how to load and lock the paper in place. Easy enough for him. Surely I could do it. This was my first project of this caliber and I was a little intimidated in taking this on solo. I, however, accepted the challenge head on. It didn't take long to realize I'm a novice when it comes to sanding. After about 20 times of repeating the vicious cycle of 1-2 runs and then the paper slipping, I called my friend for help. What am I doing wrong? He repeated yet reworded the previous training session. Oh now I got it. I just keep doing the same thing and hope I eventually get it right. My boss always says "No accidental results. How can you repeat success if you didn't plan for it?" I would get a couple good runs and feel like I really accomplished something for the paper to slide again. With loud music echoing in the garage and the vibrating of the powertool along the wood, I felt like a man- or how I thought a man would feel. Then the paper would slip yet again. And then I cried and realized I am no man. It's funny how these little projects turn into such life lessons. In desperation I sat on the floor and cried as I realized the correlation of what I was doing and what God was doing in me. These 2 pieces of furniture were just fine the way they were. I had lived with them for quite a while just the way they were. But I wanted change- something that I believed would be better suited for me. In order to arrive at this desired result I would have to spend time, effort and endurance to get to a place in which change could occur. I eventually ran out of sand paper and was again disappointed at what I felt had been a failure of a project. I went in the house and was reminded that I had several sheets of sandpaper in my craft closet. I went downstairs loaded the sander and the paper never fell off. I was staining both pieces within a matter of hours. Now only if the stain will dry.... I got a little paint happy.

Movies: Here are the 1st sand movies I thought of:
Sands of Iwa Jima
Out of Africa
English Patient

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