Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Sequel aka 2's Day

I’ve opted to stop with the numbering of the days seeing as its getting obnoxious-- and very difficult to keep up with. It's like saying my child is 224 months. Besides, no longer am I counting the days in which something ended. Instead I’ve decided to title my days.

Song: Two of Hearts by Stacey Q
This is such a sappy song that has nothing to do with anything other than it has a 2 in it and fit the theme for the day.

Movie: Godfather 2

The original Godfather rocked the casbah. Just when you think it can't get any better comes Godfather 2. This little film won 11 Academy Awards including best picture. Point being is even when something seems so great and surely couldn't get any better, comes a second experience. The story continues. It may go in a different direction or pick up in a new time or city but the characters continue to live on. This is my sequel day.

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