Friday, February 4, 2011

A Little Background...

My name is Ashley and I am a romantic. This bit of information should help as you read through my entries.  After 8 years in a dateless bubble, I reconnected with a friend I had dated years previously. Immediately we hit it off and began seeing each other regularly. I realize that this dating scene should have been like riding a bicycle- only my bicycle was ill-equipped. While riding down my dating hill, I find I have no brakes, my shoe lace is entangled in the spokes and my face is now grating across the rocky gravel. It only took 3 months in this one relationship to learn- I have a lot to learn about myself. I am so thankful for my relationship with God and for the sense of humor He has given me. I learned early on how to laugh at myself. Day 1 of after the breakup gave me the idea of how to get my healing-- everyday theme music and a movie that defines my day. Here’s the story morning glory.

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