Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ode to Disney

Song: Who Says by Selena Gomez
I guess at some age you start to reflect at when times seemed clear-cut and less confusing. And maybe that would be why I am drawn to the bubble gum pop music and movies.

Movie: High School Musical
This is my excuse to put another photo up of Zac Ephron. It makes me laugh that friends and family continue to get me HSM gifts. I can't help but like random breakouts of song and dance. I have tried to share my excitement of several scenes with other friends and they didn't quite get it. It just makes me so happy to see broadway type choreography in a movie. My favorite remains to be the baseball sequence from HSM 2 which has a West Side Story vibe to it. I recently discovered Ballet Austin offers a musical theatre class. I think it has my name written all over it.

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