Monday, May 2, 2011

Don’t Compare, Don’t Complain, Don’t Compete

Song: Good Life by One Republic
I’ve heard the above phrase said numerous times. There have been many a times in which it has helped. It’s difficult not to compare a situation to a previously experienced happening. While I don’t want to live in the past, it seems necessary to take the issues from the past as a point of reference to make judgment calls for the future. I’m just curious as to when the past becomes emotion-free.

Movie: When Harry Met Sally
In the ripe young age of 30, I have come to the realization that life often does not turn out as we expected. I did not expect to be unmarried, childless. I didn’t expect to be living with a roommate and her son. I didn’t expect to still be making copies for others. No. I anticipated my life being somewhat different- maybe a little more picturesque. But even though my expectations are far from reality, I am so blessed. I am blessed that I am single with no children and can make snap decisions at a moment’s notice (because we all know how quickly I am to do that). I am blessed that I live with a great friend and her character of a son who continually love and support me through these last few emotional ridden months. I am blessed that I have a job that I can influence others. While not my dream job, I have provision. For these things I chose to be grateful. I chose for my prospective to be picturesque. Is my life like a movie- some days. I would just prefer it to be When Harry Met Sally over Office Space or Joe vs. the Volcano.

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