Songs: Sowing The Seeds Of Love by Tears for Fears
I know it’s crazy but I actually like to pull weeds. It’s not so much the act of pulling weeds but the appearance afterwards. It’s as if I have actually accomplished something as I look at a large bag full of unwanted growth that I have manually pulled from the earth. My mom taught me this act as a wee young lass. At that time, I hated it. Little did I know the work ethic and attention to detail she instilled in me from these long hours in the yard. I recall coming home from college and sitting in the flower beds with my mom. We had such great talks and quality time together. Now that I’m in a home, I have a yard to maintain. I get the watering and weed pulling duties, along with the planting of the flowers. All things I enjoy doing. I think because it brings me back to a simpler time. It reminds me of my mom and what an awesome woman she truly is. All those summers I had to scrub baseboards, mop the floors and have dinner ready on the table when my parents got home, I can’t thank her enough for preparing me. While these may seem like all trivial duties, it made me grateful for what I have. It made me appreciate what beauty comes from a little elbow grease and sweat on your brow. It’s not easy, and usually not fun, but the dividends make it all worthwhile.
Movie: Ransom
I think it's intriguing just how much my mother loves this movie. I think it's partially because she remembers the plot and has liberty to roll over and fall asleep while it's on. To me, it's a bit sad and dark but I can't help but think of Mama Lynch when I hear it. And that makes me like it.
My cup overflows! I am a blessed woman.