Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mama Mia

Song: I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack
I can't not hear this song without crying. We used this song in my grandmother's funeral (as well as Dancing Queen- that one made me laugh). I heard this song tonight and couldn't help but remember of my little grandmother's legacy. I think of how much she would have loved and supported my writing this blog-- perhaps even writing along side me. She was such a woman of inspiration. She was one that made you feel like the most important person when you entered the room. She asked questions and engaged you in every conversation. It was nothing to go over her home and lose track of time after talking for hours. She loved her family and showed it every minute of her life. She is also the one who inspires me to write. Blogging is really just a fancy way of journaling. Her journals revealed her weaknesses and complexities and hope and dreams and prayers. It was the most precious gift-- her written word.

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