Monday, October 10, 2011

Hot Glue

Song: Stuck on You by Lionel Ritchie
Some men have duct tape. I have hot glue.
When we first moved into the house- a year ago this month- we had several pieces of crown molding that needed to be secured in place. After 2 attempts by the maintenance man and some nail glue, the 2 pieces of crown molding lay nestled against the wall behind the sheer curtains. If you didn't know it was there well you didn't know it was there. But I did. It bothered me for some months. Months turned into 1 year as I thought I didn't have nail glue to apply and cause this faux wood to stay in place. Until 1 morning I woke up with a thought- nail glue is kind of the consistency of hot glue- it's worth a try. A few days later and those suckers are still in place. Will it last for seasons to come? It's questionable. I've had to repair my repairs with a second coat of hot glue before. I have things hot glued to the walls. Our sectional sofa upstairs is reupholstered with hot glue and staples-- thanks to my crafty friend Tara. What's interesting is this thought came right before church on Sunday when the pastor spoke on using tools aside from their actual function. (i.e. using a shoe for a hammer) There's something to be said about being resourceful.

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