Congratulations Hollywood. You did it again. You pulled the wool over my ideas with your movie magic. I thought my love story would emulate a movie script. It would last approximately 90 pages with a few plot twists and turns. But in the end I would have my happily ever after. My life thus far has not followed along with the script I have written for it. Nope. It's had a few detours along the way that I did not account for. While I could focus on the things that have not happened as of yet, I chose to look at what I have been blessed with. God continues to surprise me with His overwhelming love for me. And that in and of itself is enough.
Perhaps it's the commercial holiday of Valentine's Day that has me reflecting on such things. I've always thought this was a stupid day. The cheesy teddy bears, balloon filled gifts, crazy expensive flowers, heart shaped chocolates. My favorite memories of Valentine's Day were in elementary school. There was nothing better than making a shoebox card holder. It was the craft opportunities that excited me. I didn't care about the little cards. I loved the candy. It was when hormones kicked in that this day began to suck. I am so far from cynical. I had boyfriends in junior high and high school that would "wow" me with the $1.00 carnation to benefit the student council. I had a 4 foot teddy bear sitting in my chair in 6th grade reading class. (I have to admit that one was pretty cool...) But in all I find the day to be- well- thoughtless and an obligation rather than a heart felt sentiment. But then again, I guess that depends on the giver. I love sappy. I love over the top. I just want it to be from the heart and not because a day dicated that you must do something for me so I can brag to my friends and family. Please keep in mind that I say all this because I have never had someone dote on me in my adult years. I'm sure if I had a singing telegram delivered to me from a hairy cupid man in a diaper I would be elated. Scared. Shocked. And elated.
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